Wild Shots Outreach uses photography to engage young Africans from disadvantaged communities in accessing their wildlife heritage and developing employment skills in conservation & tourism.

More than 1500 young people from local communities have participated in WSO workshops (to end of 2023) and benefited from transferable digital skills, enhanced self-esteem and a sense of connection to their natural heritage.
1500+ lives impacted

Improved understanding of nature, wildlife tourism and the need for conservation.
Beyond photography

90% of bursary students that WSO has invested in have secured employment or developed their own business.
Youth employment

Over 50% of participants have been female, adding to their knowledge, experiences, and employability.

PhD Research
The University of Johannesburg undertook a 3 year PhD research project, evaluating the impact of Wild Shots Outreach in local communities. “Conservation, Education and Capacity Building through Photography,” was published in 2023 by Dr Stephanie Klarmann.
Dr Klarmann concluded: “The workshops were overwhelmingly described in positive terms – life-changing, amazing, feeling of pride, motivation to improve skills, sense of responsibility and wanting to inspire a desire to protect nature. WSO is seen as a bridge between exclusion and inclusion, representation and access - the impact of which cannot be understated.”
International Awards
Wild Shots Outreach work has been recognised with national and international awards, including Gold in the Global Good Awards, for Community Partnerships in 2022:
“Wild Shots Outreach demonstrates real innovation and creativity. Tackling a number of problems with one project this is delivering great outcomes from a relatively small- scale operation that clearly strikes a chord with its target audience. This programme has identified individual rising stars. It is not just creating livelihoods for disadvantaged youth; it is turning them into leaders and role models.”
Scaling Up
Building on the success of the programme in the Greater Kruger Area, South Africa, Wild Shots Outreach has delivered workshops elsewhere in Africa with communities bordering Protected Areas, including Kenya, Namibia and Botswana (annually since 2021).